The Power of Water

Looking upon humanity, God recognizes each and every one of us, down to the smallest part of our likeness in Him coded into our DNA. He works lovingly and tirelessly to encourage connection through our individuality to shape and establish our lives according to His divine purpose. We are made in God’s image and, through redemption, are restored to the original blueprint of the great architect who created everything, including life-sustaining water.

In a way, each of us could be compared to a droplet of water coasting through the channels of life. As a droplet unites to a pool of water, it becomes one with it. In its singular form, it is beautiful, and joining together brings its unique nature to bear upon the work of the whole. When uniting with all the other water droplets, it adds beauty, power, and purpose to the entity.

The droplet does not seek to inflate its importance to the collective but willingly accepts joining others to enlarge its body’s goodness and value. It does not look at the other drops to weigh or measure their importance or value or question what they bring to the gathering. One droplet simply joins other droplets to become a potent force that can change and shape its surroundings.

Water in a quiet pool does not envy the sound of the droplets connecting to its otherwise serene environment. It embraces the reverberation announcing its arrival with ecstatic joy. Water droplets evaporate without fanfare and seem to disappear entirely from existence. But you do not hear it cry with sorrow before it leaves, for it knows the morning’s dew or the evening rainfall restores it as if it was never gone.

A water droplet does not reject its actions but accepts them, knowing a greater one than itself beholds and commands its every movement and destination. It trusts in its creator rather than trying to do it on its own. It knows it is sustained by one who justly sends it forth without ever questioning whether where it is sent is good, bad, right, or wrong. It rests knowing that it will always be guided and nurtured during its life and existence to fulfill its intended purpose.

It never worries that it will be judged when obstacles block its movement; it simply works to edge its way forward. It does not give up, does not look backward, it does not doubt; it merely knows to move forward. Water always believes it will reach its final destination, accomplish its purpose, and wait patiently for all the living creatures it sustains to enter its refreshing pool. It knows that, guided by its creator, it will reach its place and fulfill its purpose as the nourishing force it was designed to be.

“…There are many different members in one body, yet not one competes with the other in function. Instead every individual member co-compliments the other. In Christ, the many individuals are all part of the same body and members of one another.”  Romans 12:4-5  Francois du Toit, Mirror Bible

Interestingly, our droplet analogy seemingly ends for us as we misconstrue our individuality when weighed against a link to a collective. We seem to believe that in joining, we must forfeit our distinctiveness. From there, we cease resting in our proper position and become filled with envy, rejection, and judgment of ourselves and others to feel better about ourselves. We lose the characteristics that belonging awakens in us. We fear leaving this world without anyone seeing our contribution or remembering we were here. We forget what a relationship brings and are swept along, never relaxing in our purpose.

The Apostle Paul tells us not to allow these thoughts or religious traditions to push us into false understanding but to become acquainted with God’s desire to find expression in us. The beauty of Christ’s redemption reshapes how we see ourselves, transforming our thoughts while revealing our significance. We don’t lose our sense of humor nor become mindless drones. Instead, we become awakened to the living water within us, resolute and engaged with one another in love.

Imagine trusting and being as faithful to our Creator as a drop of water is to its source. He has promised us oneness with Him, keeping our uniqueness intact. He is the water of life that reshapes our environment, setting us on our true path. Oh, if we would only believe and receive the promise that awaits us in that seamless and vital union with Jesus Christ, our Lord!

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