Hope For The Hopeless

For millions of people worldwide, Easter Sunday is a day to be celebrated because it brings hope in what seems to be a time of hopelessness lately. It’s difficult to describe the importance of Resurrection Sunday. For believers, there is glorious power in the message of the empty tomb where they laid Jesus on Good Friday.

Those who have read the Bible struggle with the severity of how Christ was flogged, beaten, nailed to a cross, and used as a pawn in the game of religious, fanatical power from the human perspective.  From a heavenly one, we know it served a greater purpose that is still misunderstood today.  But things have gotten so bad that lately, it is as if we could all too easily substitute people today for the crowds in Jerusalem chanting and jeering for the death of Jesus.

Empty Tomb

Looking at the world today, there are fanatics desperately seeking to either grab hold of or maintain the grip of power that they wish to exert in all of our lives. There is too much division between citizens of our country, residents of our states, and even our neighbors next door. I won’t even attempt to describe the fraction I see that has broken families apart. 

Everyone but those who wield power feels a sense of hopelessness that is not being met with truth; rather, it is being exploited by the indoctrination of the media, our workforce, and the miseducation of our children. It hurts with a heartache that cannot be described, seeing our country in a place it should never be. But it is as if Americans believe that they are above all other peoples, and in their arrogance, they have fallen into their own snare and trap.

The Bible chronicles the history of kingdoms coming to power because they loved the Lord their God and served Him and those that fell out of power because they did not. It is as if history repeats itself over and over, and we do not seem to learn any lesson from it. In fact, the only lesson that seems to be taught prevalently these days is that we don’t need God anymore. We can do it ourselves.

We, in this country, fought for a system of government that included individual freedom.  But our governance has been perverted by the avarice, greed, and power-mongering of people who would hold themselves in higher esteem than others. It sounds very much like the Romans and Pharisees seen in the days in which Christ walked this earth.

An article recently posted revealed that churches in a particular city in the United States of America are suing other churches in the same city for reparations. My God, what has this nation come to when we, who are called Christians, turn upon our brothers with demands that are more about revenge than what is right? It is as if we are extolling the pain suffered in the past by inflicting more pain on our present. We should learn from the mistakes in history, not repeat them.

We live in a time where lawlessness rules, evil is called good, and we have elevated ourselves not only above our fellow man but far above that of our Creator in the process. Our nation is truly under the assault of contrived division, but can we be sure that bringing our nation back together would solve the issue?  Even under prosperity, peace, and the rule of law, unless we turn our hearts to God, man’s evil against others will rear its ugly head again. We have shown that by relying on our human reasoning and intellect alone, we become complacent in our contentment and forget God altogether.

We are at a point where we promote our inventions and technology, banking on social justice in the quest for diversity, equity, and inclusion to solve all our ills. Those ideas are man-made taking us down the wrong path. That secular quest is truly beneath the pearl of great price bought and paid for by the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, our Lord. His message was one of equality, love, and inclusion in his Kingdom.

People reject what they choose not to understand, and the church is failing to get the true message of the Gospel across. It has never been and never will be about power, military supremacy, political class systems, or building an empire that serves the wrong purposes.

We answer the call to be in a relationship with our Creator so that we can, through his teachings, live before our neighbors as He showed us, in unconditional love, shared one heart at a time.

It will never be done through indoctrination, forced education, or compliance with social justice legislated upon the masses. It can only be done by yielding to He, who created all things, rules all things, and has already shown us the way to His Kingdom. If we would but follow that way, we would have no reason to indict God for the evil we perpetrate and then falsely lay upon him to assuage our own guilt.

It is my prayer that on this Easter Sunday, as the sun rises, our eyes look up to the heavens to recognize the majesty of everything we have been given and pay honor and glory to the One True God who gave His all so that we might be a witness of genuine hope in this time of overwhelming hopelessness. 

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