What is the Message of Jesus?

We often hear Christians say they are waiting for God to show Himself to them or that they are waiting to hear His voice. What if we believed Jesus when He declared that The Holy Spirit makes His home in us? Paul, the Apostle, said we are the temple of the Living God. If we could just believe that was true, when we look for God, we would know He isn’t up there. He is in us!

Jesus, the Incarnate human, came to us in bodily form. His daily life showed us how to live as we were originally intended. As a child, He survived the stages of growth we watch our children go through and indeed, went through ourselves. He was the infant who cried when hungry. As a toddler, He laughed with innocent delight and wailed as He learned touching hot things hurt. As a young man, He studied to learn Jewish doctrine and the skills of carpentry.  He played games with friends and broke bread with His family.  He felt and experienced the same kind of things we have. We can only speculate whether He was mocked in His youth, but we know He suffered persecution as a man. Throughout it all, He managed to keep things wrapped tightly inside. Whatever He understood, it guided His daily actions.

Perhaps the revelation of who He was became known to Him as He grew in years. We can only speculate whether Mary shared with Jesus that He was the Messiah, the deliverer Hebrews believed would liberate them from Roman oppression. However, we can probably be sure Mary would not have known the crucifixion was going to be the method of deliverance. Perhaps Jesus began to understand as He was baptized, and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him. Or did he know in His early youth when He stayed behind at the temple declaring that He must be about His Father’s business? Hard to know, but somewhere, somehow, the picture started shaping up for Jesus and soon enough He knew what His end would be.

Imagine being told you would be responsible for the salvation of a nation. No choice, just your future all decided for you. That would be such a tremendous weight. Do you ever wonder how we would reacted under those circumstances?

Others might shed better light on the subject, but even in my years of studying, I cannot claim to know for sure. I am like most people, probably much like you. For much of my life, I would get up every morning thinking about what the day would bring, absorbing the news of the world with concern, and hoping I could find a way to a good night’s sleep in preparation for the next day. Where I differ now, is at the start of each day. I am ever mindful of who gave my heart the next beat, my lungs the next breath, and my mind the next thought as my eyes open.

It isn’t something that happens outside of me; but within me. It starts with saying good morning to Father followed by thoughts encouraging and guiding me. Some may call this prayer; I see it as an ongoing conversation. One that makes me aware that my conversation brings forth the expectation of answers to requests; they are not always easy to perceive, but always come. Questions I have may be put to rest in the thoughts exchanged in meditating on things during the day. The needs of someone else may come to mind so I might be ready to help. This kind of interaction with God, our Father isn’t hard to experience. Jesus showed us that each time he went off alone to pray. He simply listened inside for Father as He performed miracles.

Jesus was on earth in human form, but in that body, He was as limited in time and space as we are. It was truly to our advantage that He ascended so we could receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not bound by the laws of physics that govern this world. He is the connection to Christ our Lord and God, our Father. Jesus was our example here on earth of how to live as a human creature yet be connected to the realm of our Creator.

The same Holy Spirit that descended upon Jesus has been poured out upon mankind and works within each of us, drawing us to the truth. It is the truth that opens our hearts to realize God is for us and not against us. But we cannot fully comprehend it all without realizing He first loved us. By His gentle prompting, we are made aware of the inward response to the very connection encoded in our DNA.

As a God Player, we live each day imitating this form of love through our attitude and conduct. The truth of unconditional acceptance drives our ability to overlook an offense, to be moved to compassion that compels us to act for the benefit of another. The overwhelming joy within us knowing nothing can separate us from the love of God, should fill us with such peace knowing that the cup of salvation we received overflows without ceasing.

Our acceptance is an instinctive act, the natural course of events that God arranged so that we could be in a relationship with Him without fear. His perfect love removes our fear of rejection and death forever! For that cup to be filled, we must recognize Christ’s works and the invitation of the Holy Spirit to the table within us. It is there we find that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are ready to converse with us and impart all we need in faith, love, and expectancy.

This is the message Jesus came to illustrate. This is the message that Jesus’ death brought to fruition; the message the Holy Spirit brings alive in each of us. This is the message that should easily be discerned by how we live our lives before others. It was never about believing so we can go to heaven when we die. It is so that we recognize God is within us; the life that will never leave us or be taken from us. This blessed life is given to us now, without condition and judgment; for judgment has already been paid for us, and as us, in the person of Jesus Christ. The knowledge that God loves us brings ceaseless life and incredible joy. That is a message worth living for and sharing. That is the message of Jesus!

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