Who Do You Listen To?

I have grown up in a time when options have not been the problem. We need to discern better what option will take us down the right path or take us down a rabbit hole. We all have an opinion, and no one thinks twice about regurgitating someone else’s talking points. If it sounds logical, it is accepted at face value and enthusiastically repeated.

Consider the Theory of Evolution. It is widely considered fact, an immutable law; yet something in its title tells us that is not true. A theory is just that, a theory, not a fact. It is a set of statements or principles widely accepted but impossible to take through the scientific process to prove. Instead, it appears to be a viewpoint used to make predictions in the scientific community. Regardless, much of the world has bought into it as bonafide truth. Yet, as many believe in a theory that cannot be proven; it is amazing the sheer number of people who deny God’s existence.; He who has revealed Himself since creation.

Another example is the debate between nature versus nurture. It is easy to lay the blame for all things going wrong in our lives if we focus only on our upbringing, the nurture part of our life. Conversely, if we only look at our ancestry, we might convince ourselves we got a raw deal because we were born into the wrong situation; at least not one we would have picked. Let’s compromise and say it is both nature and nurture. Where does that leave us? I say it leaves us alone in our humanity still asking the age-old questions of who am I and why am I here?

Many people, including my older sister, have devoted a great deal of time and resources to tracing ancestry for their families. I get such a kick out of hearing her talk about her discoveries but readily admit as interesting as it might be, it is not my jam. Her findings have revealed a lot about our family. It also reinforced the knowledge that we are all connected in some form or fashion. We may be many nations, but our origin and our humanity connect us. I believe in the biblical account of creation and did not have to study my ancestry to grasp that truth. I instinctively knew it!

Have you ever noticed how much stock we put into our humanity? Our existence and achievements, our history and hopes for the future? But why is it so many of us stop there stuck in the material world? We are such complex creatures with the capacity to know we are more than what our human eye can see. We know there is an invisible part of us that is just as complex as our physical bodies. It is that part of us that was made to connect to our Creator.

Mankind has learned much over the millennia but has been slow to accept the truth that God weaved the need for our connection to Him in our DNA. But then, that is the beauty of being alive. We have been given the time to consider things we thought might be unknowable. We can live life with all its joys and sorrows and can have the capacity to contemplate and enjoy it all. I contend being connected to our Creator from the outset makes it so much more relatable and doable.

It could be said that life is a trial that never ends, and God embedded within us the capacity to continually chart the unknown possibilities of existence so we can truly come to know Him.

Every waking moment we get to decide how we will respond to the day, our neighbor, our colleagues, ourselves! Those possibilities are liberating, and it is those possibilities that motivate me to get up every morning in anticipation of the day.  I know each day will be different than any other and I have a say in how it is. 

Want to experience that too?  The first step is to be more discerning about what we listen to. It can be a battle bringing the thoughts that crowd your mind under control. Making better choices about who and what we listen to is a great place to start. The message of God’s grace is freedom from a cluttered mind and spirit that you have never imagined possible. Until next time…

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