How Do You See God?

To understand what inspires a God Player, it is always a good idea to start at the beginning, which for me is understanding the truth of the Gospel. As a God Player, everything I do stems from my belief and acceptance of the gospel. Something the Holy Spirit works to bring to perfection in believers over the length of our lives here on this earth. It is my opinion that the true gospel has been obscured by religious dogma that requires us to be perfect so we can be accepted.  It is by our good works that we are told we can obtain God’s favor, putting all the pressure on us to try to BE perfect. This lie does nothing but wear us down. I know, I believed the lie far too long in my life and wasted precious years of the joy I could have lived in every day.

The Gospel began in the heart and mind of God before time and space originated. Creation is the stage on which it is all to take place. When we read the scriptures, we begin to discover that God purposely chose to create humanity and our relationship with Him began well BEFORE the fall in the Garden of Eden.  Jesus didn’t come solely on a rescue mission so we could go to heaven when we die, although we will. He came to show us personally what true life is and to restore us to the original intent of our creation that unleashes heaven upon this temporal timeline we call our lives.

God has a purpose for our creation and for the relationship offered to us. What was that purpose?

Simply put, God initiated an outpouring of His love creating, restoring and adopting us as sons and daughters into His family, by and through Jesus Christ. Throughout history, even now and until done, we are living out the fulfillment of that plan.

So many of us miss that simple fact while trying to keep religious laws and live morally before a God who seems to be faceless and nameless all in order to convince Him we are good. Some of us think that we are good enough; ergo, we don’t even need Him.

Think about it. The God we worship, believe and trust in will determine the way we will live out our days! If God is judgmental and aloof in our world, we probably struggle with self-esteem and constantly work and fall short of His approval. If we have trust issues, He becomes the convenient scape goat for all our troubles in life.  If we believe that God is so holy that we are not worthy to even speak His name, I must believe an empty, hopeless life challenges us more than it should.

In fact, how we view God shapes everything about how we see ourselves and how we define love. I would go so far as to say that many believe in two kinds of love where God is concerned. The love He has for Jesus and the love He has for us. Curiously, we think that God loves us differently than He loves His son. This separation of understanding dilutes His original plan set before our creation. So many have altered God’s truest intention of His purpose that we now sit on the sidelines of the game of life as pointless spectators instead of participating players.  And, if we try, we discover the futility of playing a game with rules that were never intended to be.  

The fact is, we were created to abide in a continuing, seamless, covenant relationship with the Creator of all things in the heavens and on earth.  We have been offered the opportunity to be bound together in the most intense love with no limits and no end, ever present, ever giving through love incarnate!  When we understand that kind of love we walk into the heaven that opens before us. Even as we walk on this earth, we realize we can no longer be spectators.  We realize we were meant to be on the field of play. On the field, we begin to see things differently and recognize we were created to be God Players!

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